Team Guns

Team Guns
Remington 870 Express Deer with Monte Carlo Stock and Wingmaster 30" Barrel (Affordable Entry Level Trap Guns)

Award from the NSSF

In November 2007 we received news from Zach Snow, Senior Shooting Promotions Coordinator of the National Shooting Sports Foundation. He informed us that we had won a gift card to be used to benefit the team. The first question was can the money be used to purchase guns. When the answer was yes, that was all we needed to hear. Stew Wright of Wright's Gunsmithing in Pinckneyville was instrumental in helping us with the project. We discussed a combination that would be both affordable and easily maintained. We started with a Remington 870 Express Deer gun with a Monte Carlo stock. The original barrel was obviously not suited for the purpose, but the stock was parallel with similar drop to that of the 870 Classic Trap, so we replaced the barrel with a 30" Wingmaster, added a Wright's modified competition extended choke tube, and a mercury recoil reducer to complete the package. Two guns were purchased and will be available at practices and matches as backup or substitute guns in lieu of more suitable equipment.

CHS Trapshooting T-Shirts

Available at

Treasured Memories
918 State Street
Chester, Illinois 62233
(618) 826-2513

T-Shirt Logo

T-Shirt Logo
Large image on back, and small image on right chest.

Scholastic Clay Target Program Overview

Information updated June 1st, 2008.

Joining the Team

1) There are two enrollment periods each year.

a. the first two weeks of 1st Quarter
b. the first two weeks of 3rd Quarter

2) Forms must be completed during the enrollment period.

3) Students are welcome to join in either period, but may not enroll outside of these time frames.

Safety Meeting and Forms

4) Students and parents are required to attend the start of the year safety meeting each year.

5) Students and parents are required to complete the collection of forms outlined on the Student Checklist (listed below) prior to participating in any events.

a. CHS Trap Team Student Checklist
b. CHS Informed Consent/Emergency Form
c. CHS Dual Sport Form
d. CHS Physical Form
e. CHS Sports Fee ($5.00 paid in high school office)
f. SCTP Consent and Waiver Form
g. Photocopy of current FOID Card
h. Photocopy of ATA Application Form or
i. Photcopy of new ATA Card

Firearms and Ammunition

6) Students are required to obtain a FOID card as soon as possible. The process takes approximately eight weeks. Absence of a FOID does not prohibit participation, but it must be acquired in reasonable time.

7) Students or parents provide the student’s firearm in good working condition. Proper gun fit is extremely important to comfortable and accurate shooting. Trap specific guns are desired but not required.

8) Transportation of firearms and ammunition to and from practices and matches must follow all pertinent laws.

9) Firearms are to be unloaded and locked open at all times. This includes movement from vehicles to rack and rack to line. Break-open guns may be closed when in the rack.

10) The firearm is only loaded when the student is on the line, when it is the student’s turn to shoot.

11) Hearing and eye protection is required at all times.

12) Safe gun handling procedures apply at all times.

13) Toe resting is strictly prohibited. A single momentary violation of an individual disqualifies an entire squad from an event.

14) Firearms and ammunition are never allowed on school grounds. Students load and unload the bus for away shooting matches in the corner of Wal-Mart parking lot closest to McDonalds.

Squading, Practices, and Matches

15) Squads are established on the basis of shooting average over the last three official events, practices or matches.

16) Squading information is available on our traphooting results website:

17) Practice sessions consist of a minimum of two rounds. Students are welcome to shoot more if they would like, but only up to the first four rounds shot will be used in their average.

18) Practices and matches are mandatory. The penalty for missing a practice or match is having one or more zero scores for that practice or match averaged into your squading average.

19) Students who miss three total required events unexcused or two consecutive required events unexcused will be dropped from the program.

20) Students or parents are required to provide transportation to and from practice sessions.

21) Students are required to ride the bus to and from away shooting events. Any exceptions to this rule require a note with the parent’s signature or signature on the transportation sign out sheet.

22) Students must shoot in 6 events (practices and or local shoots) to be eligible to shoot in the State Shoot. Only students who participate in the State Shoot are eligible to shoot in Nationals at the Grand American.

Payment and Costs

23) Payment made for targets, ammunition or entry fees need to be made in appropriate size bills. In other words please do not pay for $4.00 worth of targets with a twenty dollar bill. Have exact change.

24) Any payments made in the form of a check, needs to be made out to Chester High School.

25) Fundraiser money may be used to offset the costs of entry fees during the year.

26) The current student price for practice targets at MVGC is $2.00 per round and ammunition is $4.00 per round if purchased through the program. These prices are subject to change as costs change.

27) Entry fees, which cover targets and trophies, for the past year, have varied from $10 to $32 per event.

28) Team shirts are available at Treasured Memories.

Use of Mississippi Valley Gun Club Facilities

29) Students are only allowed to use the Mississippi Valley Gun Club during practice sessions, matches, or with a member in good standing who knows how to operate the trap. Payment is required for any rounds shot at MVGC other than CHS supervised practice sessions at the rate of $3.00.

Additional Rules and Policies

30) For all other guidelines consult the CUSD #139 Extracurricular Code of Conduct.

Characteristics of a Good Trap Gun

Nearly any style of shotgun can be used to shoot Trap. However, the more specific the equipment is to the sport, the more consistently it performs. Since Trap shooting is all about consistent execution, the following are gun characteristics that help minimize variation.

Stock: Comb Parallel to Barrel

Pump/Auto Barrel: 28-30"
Break-Open Barrel: 28-34"

Sights: Two Beads (Front and Mid Beads)

Tightest Choke: Full (0.030 Constriction)
Loosest Choke: Light Modified (0.015 Contriction)

Other Options: Adjustable Comb, Adjustable Butt-Plate (as needed)

Home Trap Field

Home Trap Field
Mississippi Valley Gun Club

Trap Field Layout

Trap Field Layout
Five shooting positions, five possible targets.
No posts.
No posts.